On April 10, 1865, students from the Central University of Madrid held a serenade at the Puerta del Sol in support of the rector Juan Manuel Montalbán. This rector had been deposed three days earlier by government order along with other professors, among them Emilio Castelar and Nicolás Salmerón. The reason for the dismissal was his belligerence and his positions contrary to the official educational and ideological doctrine established by the government of Ramón María Narváez. The Civil Guard, together with Infantry and Cavalry units of the Army, opened fire against the students. The incident was called the Noche de San Daniel, or Noche del Matadero (Night of San Daniel or Night of the Slaughter).[57] The prolific journalist Manuel Ossorio y Bernard published a work of critical essays in several installments starting in 1874, entitled: Viaje Crítico alrededor de la Puerta del Sol (Critical Journey around the Puerta del Sol).[58] Ossorio describes the social situation of Spain, taking as a sample what happens and the characters that pass through this Madrid square.
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